Epic’s overhauling Fortnite’s matchmaking, adding bots

In a new update post on its website, Epic Games announced changes to Fortnite’s skill-based matchmaking and the introduction of bots.


Epic wrote that its matchmaking systems haven’t really changed for Fortnite since it released Battle Royale two years ago. With the v10.40 patch, the studio plans to change that due to the shift and range of player skill.

In the future update, Fortnite will introduce improved matchmaking logic, meaning that players should match with similarly skilled players more often. As players improve, they’ll face better opponents. The team plans to roll this new change out slowly over time to ensure it’s working properly.

The post also briefly mentions bots, which are AI players placed in a match. Epic intends the bots to fill skill gaps for players, and make for an easier transition into higher skill levels. As players get better, they’ll see fewer bots in their matches. Players in the competitive playlist will never face bots.

Like the matchmaking changes, Epic will monitor bots to see how they preform and make adjustments accordingly.

Epic has yet to announce a date for Fortnite’s v10.40 update, although it will likely hit sometime later this week.

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